If you have a mugshot on your local county, city, or government website, there will be little you can do to get them to remove it from their website! You CAN make it to where no one see it (easily) by launching a mugshot displacement/removal campaign which focuses on how people find it and not where it is hosted. You can bury a mugshot image and link about your name on Google and other search engines with fiveyellow.com’s mugshot removal service can help you.

If your mugshot is on websites like the ones mentioned below we can help you remove them.
mugshots.com mugshotsearch.net query.bz arrests.org bustedmugshots.com justmugshots arrestlistings.com atlaspublicrecords arsunnews.com aropenreports.com azopenreports.com moopenreports.com caopenreports.com nyopenreports.com flopenreports.com ncopenreports.com openpasts.com Mugshotsearch.org Floridabusted.com Flinquirer.com BankruptReport.com ArrestFiles.org FLarrest ShouldWeHire Lookwhogotbusted.com DWIHitParade.com WakeMugshots.com TulsaMugs.com findmugshots.com arrestreported.com/ ohmymugshot.com/ bustedw…gspot.com/ DWIHitParade.com mugshotsreport.com localblotter.com arre.st jailbase.com jail.com gotchamugshots.com findmugshots.com jailalert.com mugshot-record…com charlotte-mugshots.com durham-mugshots.com crimeincharlotte.com/ mugshotsonline.com mugshots.mobi albanymugshots.com ashevillemugshots.com augustamugshots.com bendmugshots.com bentonmugshots.com blountmugshots.com boisemugshots.com boonemugshots.com bowlinggreen…com catawbamugshots.com chitownmugshots.com christianmugshots.com clarksvillemugshots.com clearlakemugshots.com corvallismugshots.com davenportmugshots.com davismugshots.com daytonmugshots.com eugenemugshots.com franklinmugshots.com grandrapidsmugshots.com kckmugshots.com knoxmugshots.com lacrossemugshots.com lafayettemugshots.com lagrandemugshots.com maderamugshots.com mbmugshots.com medfordmugshots.com memphismugs.com mendocinomugshots.com montgomerymugshots.com mugbuddy.com mugshotsatlanta.com mugshotsdallas.com mugshotstulsa.com napervillemugshots.com nolamugshots.com ocarrests.com oddcrime.com ogdenmugshots.com ottawamugshots.com pdxmugshots.com phoenixmugs.com provomugshots.com pueblomugshots.com queencitymugshots.com roanemugshots.com rockfordmugshots.com roseburgmugshots.com salemmugshots.com santafemugshots.com savannahmugs.com shastamugshots.com slcmugshots.com sparklecitymugshots.com springfieldmugshots.com
Mugshots being published online and in print is nothing new, sheriff offices in counties in every state all over the country have been publishing mugshots for several years. The almost decade old mugshot publishing industry is a money making scheme for websites that simply take your mug shot image, name, charge, and then publish it on their “official looking” search engine friendly supercharged site. These websites usually rank very well on Google, so when an internet user searches your name they will find this secondary website and your mugshot right on the top of the list. These websites then hope you will rush to pay them to have it removed from their site. Warning: Never pay them! They will just put the mugshot back online on other sites to get you to pay them over and over again.

Tags: arrest recordsdeletemugshotsremoveremove mugshotsremove my picturereputation management