Have A Bad Review On Yelp?
We have helped our clients remove hundreds of negative yelp reviews over the past decade and can help you also.
When you have bad reviews on yelp.com you might try adding good review on yelp to help counter the bad ones, nice thought, but bad idea! Yelp will simply filter the good reviews in most cases. Yelp did not become one of the largest review websites in the world by letting people manipulate the review system they have in place. It is possible to tweak reviews on Yelp, but it has to be done a certain way so Yelp.com does not see any red flags on your review page. Reputation Management Companies like FiveYellow.com focus on making Yelp rank lower on search engines for your business name and keeping the negative reviews out of sight, while also working on the removal of the bad review itself. We also help raise your star rating on yelp with a positive review campaign.
If your company has negative or bad yelp reviews that rank very high on search engines like Google, we can help! Our online reputation management service can displace/remove Yelp.com reviews about your company from the top of search results and create help attract 5 star reviews for your company. Our reputation management service will (For Starters) bury these negative yelp reviews deep within Google and other search engines so they can not be found by your average internet user. We do not stop there! We also game the system a bit in your favor and raise your star rating on Yelp, and strengthen other sites that will take over the first page of Google.